At this point, there are no scheduled meetings between both sides, but it is expected that the first few pre-season games (which begin September 23rd 2012) will be cancelled barring if no agreement is found.
In the meantime, NHL players around the league are will now look to play pro-hockey either within North America or outside of the continent.
As for hockey fans and for those who work behind the scenes within all 30 NHL clubs etc., this decision is yet another blow below the belt. Where it hurts most is in pockets of those who need that little extra INCOME just to stay afloat, during a time where jobs are becoming fewer a far between.
More to come.
*Editor's Note*
To those who will inevitably lose out this season, be prepared because this lock-out could be a long and arduous one. My hope is that this lock-out will be a blessing in disguise for you and I am sure it will be. In the meantime, go out and play a little shiny and win your own Stanley Cup.
Antony S Scandale